Horton 4 Consulting

The links below lead to some examples of Horton 4's work.

The method of price control for Guernsey Electricity

October 2005

Gas price control (Evidence to NZCC)

July 2004

Electricity asset valuation (Evidence to NZCC)

February 2004

The 2003-04 electricity distribution price control review

Benchmarking and mergers

Comments on productivity growth

Regression and benchmarking comments

Further regression and benchmarking comments


May 2003

January 2004

June 2004

July 2004

Reevaluating the costs and benefits of electricity privatisation (draft)

December 2002

Setting the 41st Betting Levy

December 2001

Competition in the London Bus Market

November 2000

Railtrack's efficiency growth

July 2000

Pharmaceutical Markets, Competition and Regulation

October 1999

Banking Review Consultation Paper on Measuring Profitability

July 1999

The regulator's task and RPI-X

June 1998

The regulation of quality

March 1998


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